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January 03, 2008


Do you know the plans to distribute the film? I wasn't aware that the Church was making short films currently.

Hello, I am a Communications lecturer working and living in Belgium.
I am curently organizing the second edition of the Mormon Film Fetival in Brussels and would like to get in touch with T. C. Christensen as the aforementioned production could fit nicely in the program line-up.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Claude Bernard

Recently, I attended a small group meeting of local pastors and church leaders, during which several topics were discussed related to church growth and future trends. The use of the Internet was among the topics on the agenda and I found that here in the Bible Belt, although an increasing number of churches had web sites, most of these sites primarily functioned as venues for delivering information to members.

I do agree that Legacy was too hurried a narrative, and although I have not seen this film, I would agree a longer film would probably give more justice to the story.
Yet, I have my doubts. You have to balance telling a story with getting the story out when you make a film. Often if you make a longer film than you loose potential audience.
However the fact that Christensen (with Gary Cook) has made "The Restoration" and "Joseph Smith: Priophet of The Restoration" which have all the same actors shows that multiple motion pictures can be drawn out of the same base films.

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