The field of Mormon literary studies is so young that I am constantly
made aware of various authors, works, and themes that have yet to be
seriously addressed by students, critics, and scholars. So I think I'll
keep track of those ideas here, urging any interested to take up the
baton and carry these ideas forward.
I'm especially eager to help provide some starting points for those
wanting to know about the field generally. For an overview, see Eugene
England's "Mormon Literature: Progress and Prospects,"
a bibliographic essay that sets out four periods of Mormon literary
writing. I'll take various genres in turn within future posts and
discuss highlights, bibliographic sources, etc. Long ago I created the Mormon Literature Website to help beginners in the field. This site needs updating--and in many ways has been subsumed within my larger project, the Mormon Literature & Creative Arts database--but it still contains some basic works of Mormon literary criticism and an online anthology or sampler.